Siirry sisältöön

Our goals for county elections

The social and health care system needs to be repaired and improved. Not to be broken or dissolved!

It is the Centre Party’s opinion that wellbeing services counties are not the problem, but the solution. The only way to save services is to reform them. We will develop services based on customer feedback and impact.
No one gets well in a taxi! We need to ensure people-oriented services in close proximity to users.
Every municipality should have at least one social welfare and health care facility. We would shift Kela’s travel cost reimbursements to the wellbeing services counties, so that the provision of services would be managed in the most cost-effective way and there would be no need for the unnecessary taxi chaos. This will bring savings to the counties and secure local services.

Walls don’t treat anyone. It’s people who make the difference!

We will address the labour shortage by increasing medical training and medical student internships in wellbeing service county clinics rather than private clinics, by investing in wellbeing at work, by increasing work-based immigration and by lowering the threshold for pensioners to continue participating in working life. We want to secure the funding of social welfare and health care organisations to enable them to do their important work.

Stop shifting doctors around from location to location! A family doctor would ensure continuity of treatment.

We will challenge the Government’s social welfare and health care policy. We will build a service system based on public services. We will make full use of successful multidisciplinary teams, a family doctor system and private practitioners.

Stop increasing medical costs!

We want a uniform and clear annual payment ceiling for medicines, travel costs, doctor fees and general medical expenses.

Love is not enough to sustain you! Informal caregivers also have the right to have their own lives.

We believe that informal caregivers should have the right to choose the level of responsibility they are able and willing to assume. It is our desire that informal caregivers should have the opportunity to take the person in their care to, for example, a day centre for the elderly in order to give them the chance to handle their own affairs or go to work.

Stop moving the elderly around like pawns! Elderly people have the right to live close to their families and loved ones.

The Centre Party does not view the elderly as a burden or expense but as valuable people within our communities. They deserve good, humane care in their familiar and safe home region.

Help for mental health and life management NOW!

We want low-threshold mental health emergency services located in shopping centres in major cities, as well as more chat and phone services maintained by volunteers. The mental health of children and young people should be monitored in connection with health examinations and any problems should be addressed immediately.

Improve information exchange! Uniform information systems create security.

The social and health services reform was implemented in order to provide people with a one-stop-shop approach to address their issues. We demand a legislative amendment that facilitates the transfer of information between different authorities for the purpose of truly helping those in need.

Money is a good consultant but a bad master! No cuts to proper care.

The aim of the Centre Party is to promote people’s overall wellbeing, health and safety. The need for services, thought, varies from one wellbeing services county to another. For us, the most important aspect is what we can achieve with the funds we have. We will transfer the decision-making power for service organisation to the counties instead of continuing the trend of increasing central leadership.

When there is an emergency, remember 112! And the Centre Party.

We recognise that there are valuable lives and valuable family homes everywhere in Finland. The Centre Party demands the safeguarding of functional and accessible rescue and emergency response services throughout the country, now and in the future.

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EtusivuOur goals for county elections