Let’s enable people to fix their homes! The tax credit for household expenses must be increased.
The Centre Party is a builder and renovator of Finnish homes. We do not accept cuts to the tax credit for household expenses. The tax credit for household expenses supports entrepreneurship and employment and makes it easier for the elderly to stay and manage in their beloved homes.
Child care is a full-time job! Municipal home services can help.
The Centre Party views child care as valuable and worthy work. We want to guarantee every family with a child under school age the right to three hours of home services each month. We will also support the everyday lives of families with minimal support networks.
Stop unnecessary child shuttling! Functional early childhood education services close to home support parents’ ability to cope with everyday life.
It is the Centre Party’s opinion that children in the same family should be taken care of in the same place near to their home. Transportation must be smooth and accessible. Every municipality must have high-quality early childhood education services that meet the needs of families.
Would you feed your child to the wolves? School transport in areas with large predators.
A child’s journey to and from preschool and comprehensive education must be safe and not cause unnecessary fear. We want schools in large predator areas to arrange school transportation. The Government must reserve an annual appropriation for this purpose.
Stop school shopping! Language studies must not depend on one’s place of residence.
The strength of our school system lies in its equality. We do not accept school segregation or school shopping; rather, we seek to safeguard a peaceful, productive environment in schools, adequate learning resources and high-quality special education, functional facilities, reasonable group sizes and elective subjects. We would complement contact teaching with remote learning, for example in elective subjects and languages.
Big is not always beautiful! Large schools must not be used to drive centralisation.
We have reservations about the benefits of big schools. Instead, we support smaller neighborhood schools. The possibility for neighbourhood schools must be taken into account already in the zoning phase.
A rolling stone gathers no moss! Digitalisation is the key to lifelong learning.
The Centre Party requires that broadband services be assured and functional throughout the country with the backing of government funding. We will safeguard accessibility to secondary education, i.e., upper secondary education and vocational education, through digitalisation. Well-functioning broadband connections are a prerequisite for organising remote education and facilitating lifelong learning, entrepreneurship as well as multi-location working.
Jobs in our home municipalities! We take into account local education and employment needs.
Work is the best form of social security. Close co-operation and dialogue between entrepreneurs, the municipality’s employment, business and integration services and wellbeing services counties is the key to an active industrial policy, the foundation for vitality and a stable municipal economy. The impact of employment services will be closely monitored. We want every municipality to have business advisory services.
Get your hands off our water!
In addition to forests, clean water is our national natural resource, and the Centre Party will safeguard its domesticity, now and in the future. Municipalities must hold 100% ownership of their water utilities. We will prepare for exceptional and crisis situations with a water management strategy.
Limit increasing housing costs! Municipal housing policy prevents social segregation.
We will reduce housing costs. In zoning, we would take into account the different cost impacts of the plan regulations and promote the circular economy of facilities. We will make sure that existing buildings and plots are efficiently used with additional construction, changes in use or, if necessary, demolition.
Greenness is not just political! It is a choice for a pleasing environment and comfort of living.
We protect local nature areas and create the conditions for good places to live. We nurture nature’s values in the built environment and leave room for nature in zoning. We also seek to improve biodiversity.
Creativity and movement is a cure!
We want local residents to have access to sports assistant services and free indoor and outdoor recreational facilities. We also want to ensure that the elderly have access to nature and maintenance of their living environment all year long. Diverse organisational activities and cultural life generate and sustain vitality.
No discrimination in municipalities! Satisfied personnel produce high-quality and functional municipal services.
Municipalities support the wellbeing of their employees through the reconciliation of family and work with working time flexibility, remote work opportunities, shift planning and training for new tasks when life situations so require. We will end pregnancy discrimination by tightening legislation. We will support the ageing population by removing employment barriers.
Homes raise, teachers teach!
Homes provide children with a foundation for their values, attitudes and behaviour. The school complements this by providing knowledge and skills. Co-operation between homes and schools ensures productive environments in schools and the ability of teachers to cope. Limiting the use of social media improves the learning and work environment, the ability to concentrate and the wellbeing of the entire school community.
We oppose municipal differentiation. Let’s get municipal funding in order!
The baseline for municipal taxation must be regional equality and this must be taken into account when reforming municipal funding. The system of central government transfers to local government must be based on the actual costs of the different municipalities. Real estate tax must fall entirely within the scope of the equalisation system concerning central government transfers, with the exclusion of real estate tax on power plants.
It’s your decision! Active municipal residents safeguard the future of their municipality.
We promote the active involvement of municipal residents. This means involving residents in different ways, such as by allowing them to have their say, facilitating independent initiation, assuring open information exchange and decision-making, making use of new technical platforms and establishing participatory budgeting. We are not in favour of forced municipal mergers.
Let’s scrap the One Hour Train project! Regional policy strengthens the sustainable development of the entire country.
As a solution for the balanced development of the country, we propose that a special economic zone system be created in Finland. As our first aim, we will endeavour to increase employment and investments in and the attractiveness of Eastern Finland and Lapland through tax reliefs and exceptional legislation. The development of border areas is important due to the heightened security situation.